
JobshopLean: Adapting Lean for Small and Medium High-Mix Low-Volume Manufacturers


Dr. Shahrukh A. Irani

Lean & Flexible, LLC


Phone: 832-475-4447



A book that shows how to integrate the Toyota Production System with Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing

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Supplementary Reading


How Lean Transformed the Career of an Industrial Engineering (IE) Faculty

Appendix 1 “Textbook IE” versus “Toyota IE”

Appendix 2 Literature that Describes Projects where PFAST was Successfully Used

Appendix 3 Results Delivered to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) by OSU Interns

Appendix 4 Components of a Comprehensive Program for Service to Industry

Appendix 5 Suggestions for IE Faculty Committed to Undergraduate Teaching


Introduction to JobshopLean

Appendix 1 A Chronological Bibliography on Group Technology

Appendix 2 Literature on JobshopLean

Appendix 3 E-book and Business Guide on JobshopLean


Is JobshopLean Right For You?


The Essential Foundation for JobshopLean

Appendix 1 Guidelines for Designing a Good Factory Layout

Appendix 2 A Detailed Checklist to Evaluate any Factory Layout

Appendix 3 A Lean Checklist to Evaluate any Factory Layout


Overview of Production Flow Analysis (PFA)


Overview of Production Flow Analysis and Simplification Toolkit (PFAST)


Functional, Cellular and Hybrid Cellular Layouts for any Job Shop


Designing Functional, Cellular and Hybrid Cellular Layouts for any Job Shop using PFAST

  1. Quick-Read Guide on Product-Process Matrix Analysis
  2. Quick-Read Guide on Product-Routing Cluster Analysis
  3. Design of a Cellular Layout for an Entire Facility
  4. Production Flow Analysis: A Tool for Designing a Lean Hospital


How Data Mining Guides Various Production Flow Simplification Strategies

Appendix 1 Detailed Explanation of each Lean Advisory Tool (LAT)

  1. Data Collection for a PFAST Analysis
  2. LAT A: Waste Assessment in the Current State
  3. LAT B: Product Mix Segmentation
  4. LAT C: Feasibility Analysis for Cellular Manufacturing
  5. LAT D: Cell Layout
  6. LAT E: Design of Hybrid Cellular Layouts
  7. LAT F: Product Mix Rationalization
  8. LAT G: Revision of Manufacturing Routings
  9. LAT H: Evaluation of Current and Proposed Layouts


Improving Flow at any Level in a Factory


Industry Applications of Production Flow Analysis by Industrial Engineering (IE) Students

Appendix 1 A Comparison of “Textbook IE” and “Toyota IE”

Appendix 2 Syllabus for Undergraduate Course on Process Analysis and Improvement

Appendix 3 Syllabus for Undergraduate Course on Facilities Design

Appendix 4 Syllabus for Undergraduate Course on Production Control and Scheduling

Appendix 5 Syllabus for Graduate Course on JobshopLean

(See Table 1 in the Chapter) Reports for Student Projects:

  1. (Final Presentation for Internship) Bula Forge & Machine
  2. (MS Non-Thesis Project Report) Enginetics Aerospace
  3. (Final Presentation for Internship) Guardian Automotive
  4. (MS Non-Thesis Project Report) Hirschvogel
  5. (Final Presentation for Internship) Horton Emergency Vehicles
  6. (Final Presentation for Internship) Maritime Castings Repair Facility
  7. (MS Non-Thesis Project Report) OSU Medical Center
  8. (Independent Study Project Report)  Trafficware
  9. (Final Presentation for Internship) Trinity Forge
  10. (ISE532 Course Project Report) Uniprint
  11. (Final Presentation for Internship) Xunlight


Production Flow Analysis using Metrics-aided Visual Assessment of Material Flow Diagrams

  1. Presentations on Using Spaghetti Diagrams for Material Flow Assessment
  2. Exercise on Waste Identification: Entire Factory
  3. Exercise on Waste Identification: Single Cell
  4. Fundamentals of Process Analysis and Improvement
  5. An IE Instructor’s Guide to Teach Process Analysis  and Improvement using the Toast Kaizen Video
  6. Case Study on Process Improvement
  7. Case Study: Implementing the Quick-Start Approach for JobshopLean at Ulven Forging Inc.
  8. Case Study: Implementing the Quick-Start Approach for JobshopLean at Bula Forge & Machine Inc.

Appendix 1 Production Flow Analysis using a Flow Diagram: The Simple Case of a Single Routing

Appendix 2 Does a Hospital Operate Like a Job Shop or an Assembly Line?

Appendix 3 Design of Lean Hospitals by Combining Data Mining and Visualization of Patient Flow Routes


Product Mix Segmentation


Determining the Correct Layout Shape for a High-Mix Machining Cell

Appendix 1 Original Outputs in the PFAST Analysis Report for the Exercise

Appendix 2 Proposed Hybrid Flowshop Layout for the Cell

Appendix 3 A Modified Multi-Product Process Chart to Visualize Many Different Routings Simultaneously

Appendix 4 Original Source of Data for this Exercise

Appendix 5 Evaluating Different Shapes for a Multi-Product Multi-Machine Cell using STORM


Lessons Learned from Implementing the Lean Principles in a Single High-Mix Low-Volume Make-To-Order Compressor Parts Machining Cell

Appendix 1 Design of the Manual Packings Cell (MPC) using PFAST and STORM

Appendix 2 Support Systems for a Flexible and Lean (FLean) Manufacturing Cell

Appendix 3 Checklist for Implementing a Manufacturing Cell

Appendix 4 Design and Implementation of a Flexible and Lean (FLean) Machining Cell


How Cell Formation Drives the Implementation of JobshopLean


Scientific Management of High-Variety and Complex Production in Job Shops


Pull vs. Controlled Push in High-Variety Discrete Manufacturing


Introduction to Operations Scheduling for High-Mix Low-Volume Manufacturers

  1. Scheduling an M-machine Flowshop to Minimize Makespan
  2. An IE Student’s Study Guide for Bottleneck Scheduling using Theory Of Constraints
  3. Introduction to Flowshop Scheduling
  4. Case Study on Flowshop Scheduling
  5. Scheduling a 5-machine Flowshop
  6. [Solution Key] Releasing Orders to a Cell with Capacity Constraints

Appendix 1 VelFlow: A Simulator for Evaluating High-Mix Low-Volume Production Lines

Appendix 2 Releasing Orders to a Cell with Capacity Constraints


Finite Capacity Scheduling of a Flexible and Lean (FLean) Cell


Classroom Tutorial on the Design of a Cellular Manufacturing System


Teaming Industrial Engineers with Employees to Improve a Shipping Department


Implementation of JobshopLean in a Forge Shop


Implementation of JobshopLean in a CNC Machine Shop

Appendix 1 Free Online Sources of Information on Implementing Lean in CNC Machine Shops

Appendix 2 Case Study: Introducing JobshopLean at Hardy Machine & Design Inc.


Implementation of JobshopLean using a One-Cell-At-A-Time Approach

Appendix 1 Examples of Kit Carts Implemented in Different Companies


Educational and Training Resources for JobshopLean

  1. How to Develop a Video and Self-Study Guide on Waste Elimination
  2. Instructional Materials for the Toast Kaizen Video
  3. Instructional Materials for the Single Piece Flow© Simulation
  4. Instructional Materials for the Stamping Out Chaos© Simulation
  5. A Step-By-Step Approach for Implementing JobshopLean
  6. Instructional Materials for the JobshopLean© Simulation


Introduction to Value Network Mapping

  1. Value Stream Mapping: A Foundation Step for Lean Manufacturing
  2. Value Stream Mapping from an IE Viewpoint: Ideas for Enhancement and Extension
  3. Value Stream Mapping from an IE Viewpoint
  4. Evaluation of the Value Stream Mapping Icons for Use in Jobshop-type Facilities
  5. Value Network Mapping (VNM): Visualization and Analysis of Multiple Interacting Value Streams in Jobshops
  6. Value Stream Mapping of a Complete Product
  7. Integration of Lean Thinking and Theory Of Constraints in a Custom Forge Shop

Appendix 1 Value Stream Mapping of a Complete Product


Starter Advice for Implementing JobshopLean

Appendix 1 Informative Books on the Toyota Production System


The Teacher of Industrial Engineering Should Become a Student of Lean

Appendix 1 A Comparison of “Textbook IE” and “Toyota IE”

Appendix 2 Examples of Manual Lean Tools Enhanced with Operations Research


New Ideas and Tools to Build High-Mix Low-Volume (HMLV) Factories of the Future

Appendix 1 Innovative Facility Layout Design Practices Pioneered by Toyota


The JobshopLean Advisor