
Zhou, J. & Irani, S.A. (2000, June).  Cochran, D.S. & Tapia, C.F. (Eds.). Design of modular layouts for fabrication-based assembly facilities. Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems, MIT (Cambridge, MA) and the International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP), 62-69.

Marchwinski, C. & Irani, S.A. (2001, March). Software solves identity crises for parts from big “families”. Lean Manufacturing Advisor, 3-7.

Khaswala, Z. & Irani, S.A. (2001, September). Value network mapping: Visualization and analysis of multiple flows in value stream maps. Proceedings of the Lean Management Solutions Conference, IIE and University of Missouri-Rolla, St. Louis, MO, 47-63.

Huskonen, W. (2003, January/February). Thinking Lean at TECT Cleveland. Forging, 16-19.

Marchwinski, C. (2003, May). Understanding families is key in high-mix low-volume facility. Lean Manufacturing Advisor, 4-5.

Irani, S.A., Zhou, J. & Huang, H. (2003, November). A pattern recognition approach for manufacturing facility compaction by machining function combination using flexible manufacturing modules. Transactions of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125, 740-752.

Huskonen, W. (2004, March/April). Wringing out waste. Forging, 4.

Huskonen, W. (2004, March/April). Ulven Forging succeeds with Jobshop Lean. Forging, 26-28.

Huskonen, W. (2004, March/April). Jobshop Lean workshop is a winner. Forging, 30.

Sabri, S. & Shayan, E. (2004). Lean strategies for furniture manufacturing. Proceedings of the Fifth Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 31.18.1-13.18.8.

Wang, B. (2007). The quick-start approach to JobshopLean: How to initiate the implementation of Lean in a high-mix low-volume manufacturing facility. Paper submitted for the Student Paper Competition sponsored by IIE Lean Division. Available here

Irani, S.A. (2008, April). Starting your job shop on its “Lean Journey”. Forge Magazine, 34-37.

Irani, S.A. & Fischer, C. (2009). Recession-proof your shop the Lean Way. This report was sponsored and published by JobBOSS, a Division of Exact Software.

Heston, T. (2010, October). How a shop devoted to improvement improved. The Fabricator, 32.

Heston, T. (2010, November). Another day, another economic recovery. The Fabricator, 52-54.

Danford, M. (2010, November). From job shop chaos to Lean order. Modern Machine Shop, 60-67.

The following articles constitute a series of columns on JobshopLean that I wrote for The Fabricator (

  • Continuous improvement: No one solution fits all. The Fabricator, 2011 (February), 44-45.
  • Developing the Value Network Map. The Fabricator, 2011 (April), 37-39.
  • Analyzing products, demands, margins and routings. The Fabricator, 2011 (June), 42.
  • Analyzing product mix and volumes: Useful but insufficient. The Fabricator, 2011 (August), 36-37.
  • Minding your P’s, Q’s, R’s – and revenue too. The Fabricator, 2011 (October), 64-67.
  • PQ$ Analysis – Why revenue matters in product mix segmentation. The Fabricator, 2011 (December), 42-44.
  • Why a timeline analysis of order history matters. The Fabricator, 2012 (February), 48-49.
  • Thinking beyond Lean: 5 tips for continuous improvement. The Fabricator, 2012 (April), 46-47.

Glaser, A. (2010, May/June). A road map to robotics: JobshopLean and other methods pave the way. Practical Welding Today Online.

Meanwhile, in the real world. Industrial Engineer, (2011, April), 47-52.

Choosing what works. Industrial Engineer, (2011, August), 42-47.

The robust and reliable job shop: Going Lean requires more than the traditional tools. Gear Technology Newsletter (Voices section), (2012, June).

Adapting Lean for high-mix low-volume manufacturing facilities. Gear Technology, (2012, August), 10-12.

A quick-start approach for implementing Lean in jobshops. Gear Technology, (2012, October), 10-16.

The following articles constitute a series of columns on JobshopLean that I wrote for Gear Technology (

  • The idea factory. Gear Technology, 2013 (January/February), 26-29.
  • Strategies for assembling continuous improvement teams. Gear Technology, 2013 (March/April), 24-29.
  • The Tiger Team – Hear them roar. Gear Technology, 2013 (May), 36-42.
  • Design of a flexible and lean (FLEAN) machining cell – Part 1 (Theory). Gear Technology, 2013 (June/July), 20-26.
  • Design of a flexible and lean (FLEAN) machining cell – Part 2 (Application). Gear Technology, 2013 (August), 58-63.
  • Computer-aided Finite Capacity Scheduling of a flexible and lean (FLEAN) machining cell. Gear Technology, 2013 (October), 42-48.
  • Educating the workforce and management about FLEAN (Flexible and Lean) manufacturing cells. Gear Technology, 2013 (November/December), 82-92.

Savvy students help shipping department move. Industrial Engineer, (2013, July), 30-35.

Solving the NDT bottleneck at SIFCO. Forge, (2013, August), 17-20.